1. Health and Safety Law Poster
The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989 makes it a legal requirement for employers to display the current version of the HSE's law poster in a prominent position in all business premises. We provide all Wirehouse clients with the HSE health and safety law poster and accident book alternatively, the poster is available to purchase from the HSE website in A2 and A3 sizes.
The HSE law poster outlines British health and safety legislation and contains information for both employers and workers. Employers can also add to the poster details of any employee safety representatives or health and safety contacts.
If an employer chooses not to display the poster in their premises, they must provide each employee with a leaflet or pocket card copy of the law poster. These are available as free downloads from the HSE website.
2. Health and Safety Statement of Intent
It’s a legal requirement for employers to bring to the attention of workers, the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Intent or any revision of it. The simplest way to do this is to display the most current copy on a noticeboard. The Statement of Intent lists the company’s health and safety aims and is signed and dated by the person responsible for health and safety in the workplace.
3. Employers Liability Insurance Certificate
The Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance Act) 1969 requires employers to display a valid copy of their Employers Liability Insurance certificate where workers have access to it. The easiest way to do this would be to display it on a noticeboard. The only exception to this is that an employer can if they chose to, display the certificate electronically but workers must be made aware where they can access it.
4. First Aid Arrangements
Regulation 4 of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 makes it a legal requirement for employers to inform workers about the arrangements that are in place for the provision of First Aid. This includes the location of equipment, facilities and personnel. Employers could communicate this information by displaying it on a noticeboard. The information needs to be clear and easily understood by all workers.
If you would like any further information regarding any health and safety issues, please contact the Wirehouse Health and Safety team today.