Health and safety legislation is constantly evolving and the HSE regularly promote new safety campaigns or issue safety alerts. We understand that it’s not easy for businesses to keep up to date with legislation changes in 2019, so read our round-up of key Health and Safety news.
HSE Farm Inspections in 2019
The HSE have
announced that they plan to carry out unannounced visits to hundreds of farms throughout the UK. The inspections will review Health and Safety standards on farms.
HSE statistics show that in 2017/18 there were 33 deaths in the UK’s agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors:
- * 8 deaths were caused by a person being fatally injured by an animal,
- * 6 deaths were caused by being struck by moving vehicles,
- * 5 deaths due to being trapped by something collapsing,
- * 4 deaths due to being struck by an object,
- * 3 deaths due to falls from height,
- * 3 deaths due to contact with electricity,
- * 2 deaths due to slips, trips and falls on the same level,
- * 1 death due to contact with machinery,
- * 1 death due to drowning.
The agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors have an injury rate which is 6 times higher than the construction industry. The HSE also estimates that the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors have 13,000 non-fatal injuries each year and 17,000 cases of ill health, especially lung disease and musculoskeletal disorders.
HSE Mild Steel Welding Fume Safety Alert – February 2019
Following new scientific evidence that all welding fumes including mild steel welding fumes can cause cancer, the HSE have raised control standards for welding fumes which is detailed in their latest
safety alert.
The control requirements are:
- Indoor welding tasks require the use engineering controls such as Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV). If LEV is unable to control exposure, then Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is also required.
- Outdoor welding requires the use of RPE.
HSE Construction ‘Dustbuster’ Campaign

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will be inspecting construction sites across the UK to check employers have measures in place to protect workers from asbestos, silica and wood dusts. The HSE is also encouraging workers to show their support for the campaign by
downloading a selfie card from their website and sending a photo with it via Twitter or Facebook.
Employers have a duty of care to protect their workers from breathing in dusts because they can cause life-changing lung diseases and cancers. If you would like more information about how you can protect your workers from dust,
contact one of our Wirehouse Health and Safety Consultants for advice.
Building (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (SI 2018/1230)
These amendment Regulations came into force on the 21st December 2018 and have been made as a result of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire. They amend the Building Regulations 2010 to prohibit the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings (buildings over 18 metres in height). This applies to both new buildings and refurbishment work where the external wall is involved.
Dumper Safety Guide - Out for Consultation
Following a number of serious incidents involving forward tipping dumpers, a
Good Practice Guide developed through the Strategic Forum Plant Safety Group (SFPSG) led by the CPA on the safe operation of dumpers has been drafted. The draft document was open for comment until the 11th January 2019 and legislation changes in 2019 will be launched around Easter.
Brexit - Legislation Changes in 2019?
The HSE has made minor amendments to regulations to remove EU references. The HSE has also produced various
guidance documents to help businesses prepare in the event of Britain leaving the EU with no deal.
If you require any further information on any of the legislation changes in 2019 or safety campaigns, please contact our Wirehouse Health and Safety Consultants.