According to, in 2022/23, 5,091 workers were under general medical surveillance for exposure to lead, with a further 13 workers suspended from work due to excessive blood-lead levels—an almost 14% increase from the previous year.
Lead exposure is still a significant health and safety concern, particularly in industries such as construction, manufacturing, battery production, and demolition. Prolonged or high-level exposure can lead to serious health effects, including neurological damage, kidney disease, and reproductive issues.
So, how do you work safely with lead? What steps can employers and workers take to reduce exposure and protect themselves? This article will explore key hazards, control measures, and best practices to ensure safe handling of lead in the workplace.
Working with lead is regulated primarily under the following legislation:
1. Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 (CLAW)
Key Requirements:
- Assess the risk of exposure to lead.
- Implement control measures to reduce exposure.
- Conduct air monitoring and biological monitoring (blood lead levels).
- Provide health surveillance for workers exposed to significant levels of lead.
- Ensure proper hygiene measures (e.g., washing facilities, changing rooms).
- Train workers on lead hazards and safe work practices.
- Maintain accurate records of lead exposure and medical surveillance.
2. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Duties for Employers:
- Ensure the health, safety, and welfare of workers and others affected by their work.
- Conduct risk assessments and implement control measures to reduce risks.
- Duties for workers:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety.
- Follow safe work procedures and use personal protective equipment (PPE) where required.
3. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Requires employers to assess and control risks related to hazardous substances, including lead.
4. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Covers general workplace welfare, including ventilation, hygiene, and washing facilities, which are essential when working with lead.
5. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2022
Requires employers to provide and maintain suitable PPE where lead exposure cannot be controlled by other means.
6. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
Requires risk assessment, control measures, and health surveillance for exposure to hazardous substances, including lead.
7. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM)
If working with lead in construction (e.g., lead paint removal, demolition), CDM requires proper planning, risk assessment, and control of hazards.
8. The Environmental Protection Act 1990 & Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005
Regulates the disposal of lead-containing materials to prevent environmental contamination.
Key Hazards to working with Lead.
Lead is a naturally occurring heavy metal, it is highly toxic and poses significant health risks. Exposure can occur through occupational settings, contaminated water from lead pipes, old lead-based paint, certain consumer products, and environmental pollution. Working with lead presents several significant hazards that must be effectively managed to protect workers.
1. Health Hazards:
Lead is a toxic metal that can cause serious health effects when inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. The main health risks include:
- Lead Poisoning: Chronic exposure can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, and memory loss.
- Neurological Effects: Lead affects the nervous system, leading to cognitive impairment, mood changes, and, in severe cases, encephalopathy (brain dysfunction).
- Blood and Organ Damage: Lead exposure can result in anaemia and damage to the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system.
- Reproductive Risks: Lead is a reproductive toxin, potentially causing infertility, birth defects, and developmental issues in unborn children.
- Bone Storage and Long-Term Exposure: Lead can accumulate in the bones and be released into the bloodstream over time, causing prolonged toxicity.
2. Exposure Risks
Workers may be exposed to lead through:
- Inhalation: Dust and fumes from lead-containing materials during cutting, welding, grinding, or burning.
- Ingestion: Lead contamination on hands, food, or cigarettes due to poor hygiene practices.
- Skin Absorption: Although less common, lead can be absorbed through prolonged skin contact, particularly with lead-based paints or pastes.
3. Fire and Explosion Hazards
- Lead dust and fumes in confined spaces can present fire and explosion risks when mixed with certain chemicals or ignition sources.
- Welding or cutting lead-containing materials can produce toxic fumes and increase fire risks.
4. Environmental Hazards
- Soil and Water Contamination: Improper disposal of lead waste can contaminate soil and groundwater.
- Airborne Lead Dust: Lead dust can spread beyond the workplace, affecting nearby communities.
5. Legal and Compliance Risks
- Exposure Limits: Regulatory bodies, such as the HSE, enforce strict occupational exposure limits (e.g., the Control of Lead at Work (CLAW) Regulations).
- Medical Surveillance: Workers regularly exposed to lead may require blood lead level monitoring and health surveillance.
6. Workplace-Specific Hazards
- Lead Paint Removal: Sanding or stripping old lead-based paints can release hazardous dust.
- Battery Manufacturing and Recycling: Handling lead-acid batteries involves exposure to lead oxides and sulfuric acid.
- Construction and Demolition: Demolition of old buildings or pipes can disturb lead-containing materials.
Control Measures and Best Practice for Working with Lead
Failure to adequately control lead exposure can have serious health and legal consequences for businesses. A notable example is a glass manufacturing company that was fined £3,600 after an unannounced inspection found elevated levels of lead contamination in the workplace.
An inspection of the site, which produced lead cut crystal items, found that exposure to lead was not being adequately controlled, with contamination levels exceeding the occupational exposure limit. The investigation revealed that the company had not conducted suitable and sufficient risk assessments, leading to serious health risks for workers. Additionally, the site lacked essential hygiene facilities, such as proper handwashing stations and a designated rest area for meals, increasing the likelihood of lead ingestion. As a result, the company was fined and issued six improvement notices to comply with safety regulations.
To mitigate the risks associated with lead exposure, appropriate risk assessments and control measures should be implemented.
1. Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
- Identify sources of lead exposure – Determine if lead is present in raw materials, coatings, solders, or dust from lead-based products.
- Assess the form of lead present – Dust (sanding, grinding), fumes (welding, soldering), or solid (handling lead sheets, pipes).
- Evaluate exposure levels – Conduct air monitoring for airborne lead and surface contamination tests for lead dust.
- Identify at-risk workers – Consider workers with prolonged exposure and those with underlying health conditions who may be more vulnerable.
- Review work processes – Identify tasks such as cutting, grinding, heating, or demolishing lead-containing materials that may increase exposure.
- Assess risk controls – Evaluate the effectiveness of current control measures.
2. Engineering & Administrative controls
- Engineering controls are the first line of defense against lead exposure by eliminating or reducing the risk at the source. These include:
- Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV): LEV systems should be installed at workstations where lead dust, fumes, or vapors are generated. This helps capture contaminants at the source before they spread into the work environment.
- Dust Suppression: Wet methods (e.g., misting or damp wiping) should be used to minimise airborne lead dust when cutting, grinding, or handling lead materials.
- Enclosed Work Processes: Where possible, lead-related work should be conducted in enclosed areas or under controlled conditions to prevent exposure.
- Substitution: Where feasible, lead-containing materials should be replaced with less hazardous alternatives.
- Use HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaners instead of dry sweeping
- Isolation of Work Areas: Lead-related tasks should be performed in designated areas with restricted access to minimise exposure to non-essential personnel.
- Administrative Controls
- Establish lead-safe work zones with restricted access.
- Rotate tasks to limit individual exposure time.
- Implement good housekeeping—regular wet wiping and vacuuming.
- Prohibit eating, drinking, smoking, or applying cosmetics in contaminated areas.
- Use signage and labelling to warn about lead hazards.
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- While PPE is a last resort, it is essential when engineering and administrative controls cannot fully eliminate exposure. The appropriate PPE includes:
- Respiratory Protection: Properly fitted respirators with P3 filters or powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) should be worn when working in areas with airborne lead dust or fumes.
- Protective Clothing: Disposable or designated work coveralls should be used to prevent lead contamination of personal clothing.
- Gloves: Chemical-resistant gloves should be used when handling lead to prevent skin exposure and ingestion.
- Foot Protection: Anti-slip, easy-to-clean boots or shoe covers should be worn to reduce the spread of contamination.
- Safety goggles if lead particles are present.
- All PPE must be regularly inspected, cleaned, and replaced as needed to maintain effectiveness.
4. Hygiene & Decontamination Procedures
Strict hygiene protocols should be followed to prevent lead ingestion or secondary exposure. These include:
- Proper Handwashing: Workers must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking, or smoking.
- Handwashing facilities: Ensure washing stations with nail brushes and lead-removal soap.
- Shower facilities: workers should shower before leaving if exposure is significant.
- Separate Eating and Drinking Areas: Eating, drinking, and smoking should be strictly prohibited in lead-handling areas. Designated, clean break areas should be provided.
- Decontamination Procedures: Workers should remove contaminated PPE and wash or shower before leaving the worksite to prevent lead dust from spreading to homes or other areas.
- Laundering of Work Clothing: Contaminated clothing should be professionally laundered and not taken home to prevent lead exposure to family members.
5. Training and Awareness
All workers handling lead should receive proper training to ensure they understand the hazards and know how to protect themselves. Training should cover:
- Health Effects of Lead Exposure: Understanding symptoms of lead poisoning and long-term effects.
- Safe Handling Procedures: Proper storage, usage, and disposal of lead-containing materials.
- Use of PPE and Hygiene Practices: Correct usage, limitations, and maintenance of PPE.
- Emergency Procedures: Actions to take in case of accidental exposure or contamination.
- Regulatory Compliance: Awareness of workplace safety regulations, including the Control of Lead at Work (CLAW) Regulations.
- Regular refresher training should be conducted to keep workers updated on best practices.
6. Medical Surveillance & Health Monitoring
Ongoing medical surveillance is crucial for early detection of lead exposure and preventing long-term health effects. Key elements include:
- Baseline Health Assessments: Before starting work with lead, workers should undergo blood lead level testing.
- Regular Health Checks: Periodic blood tests should be conducted in accordance with regulatory guidelines to monitor lead levels.
- Health Records Maintenance: Employers should maintain accurate health records of exposed workers to track changes over time.
- Removal from Exposure: Workers with elevated blood lead levels should be removed from lead-related tasks until their levels return to safe limits.
- Access to Occupational Health Services: Workers should have access to health professionals who can provide guidance on exposure risks and medical concerns.
- Provide medical evaluations for symptomatic workers.
- Workplace Monitoring: Regular air monitoring should be conducted to assess lead exposure levels and ensure compliance with occupational exposure limits.
The Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL) for lead are set under the Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 (CLAW) and enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Every 3 months a small blood sample will be taken to measure the amount of lead it contains. This is measured as a number in micrograms of lead for each decilitre of blood. workers are legally obliged to provide blood or urine samples.
If the amount of lead in your blood reaches the action level, your employer must investigate why this has happened and try to reduce it to below that level.
Action levels
- General employees: 50 µg/dl
- Women capable of having children: 25 µg/dl
- Young people under the age of 18: 40 µg/dl
Suspension levels
- General employees: 60 µg/dl
- Women capable of having children: 30 µg/dl
- Young people under the age of 18: 50 µg/dl
7. Waste Disposal & Environmental Controls
- Proper storage & disposal of lead-contaminated waste per hazardous waste regulations.
- Label and segregate lead waste from other materials.
- Use sealed containers to prevent dust release.
- Prevent environmental contamination—use spill trays and containment measures.
- Signage and Access Controls: Clear warning signs should be posted in lead work areas, and unauthorised personnel should be restricted from entering.
Proper disposal of lead and lead-contaminated materials is essential to prevent environmental contamination and comply with hazardous waste regulations. The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 set legal requirements for handling and disposing of lead waste safely.
8. Emergency Response
- Provide spill kits for lead dust or liquid lead-containing materials.
- Establish a lead exposure response plan for accidental releases.
- Ensure emergency eye wash stations and first aid supplies are available.
9. Documentation
- Maintain records of risk assessments, exposure monitoring, training, and health surveillance.
- Update workplace policies and procedures regularly based on risk assessments.
Ensuring a Safe Workplace When Working with Lead
Working with lead presents significant health, environmental, and legal challenges, but with the right precautions, these risks can be effectively managed. Employers must prioritize engineering controls (such as local exhaust ventilation and wet methods), enforce strict hygiene practices, and ensure workers receive proper training and medical surveillance.
The Control of Lead at Work Regulations (CLAW) 2002 and other legislative frameworks set clear requirements, but compliance goes beyond just following the law—it is about fostering a culture of safety. Businesses should conduct regular workplace monitoring, maintain accurate exposure records, and ensure safe waste disposal to protect both workers and the environment.
Lead safety is not just a regulatory requirement; it is an ethical obligation. By implementing robust risk assessments, proper PPE usage, and ongoing education, businesses can create a safer working environment where lead exposure is effectively controlled.
More Information
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Control of lead at work (Third edition) - Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 Approved Code of Practice and guidance
Case study: Case studies - HSE