health and safety legislation

  1. Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) As contractors, you’re likely all too familiar with the variety of prequalification questionnaires and health and safety certifications required to bid on certain projects. One of the most widely recognised accreditations in the industry is the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) certification. Whether you’re new to the SSIP process or […]

  2. Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the subsequent review of building regulations and fire safety, the government has sought to improve standards through the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 2022) and associated secondary legislation. The 6 April 2024 was a key date for the BSA 2022, with various deadlines and transitional periods coming to an end. […]

  3. You must identify and classify your waste before you send it for recycling or disposal. This makes sure you or anyone handling your waste deals with it properly. You must make sure hazardous waste produced or handled by your business in England causes no harm or damage. You have responsibilities known as your ‘duty of […]

  4. Lone Working Risks and 3 Real World Examples with Practical Advice When we first published the original lone working article the aim of the article was to provide guidance on the definition of who is a lone worker, addressing the risks that lone workers can face, how to assess and control the risks to lone […]

  5. Christmas is a time when most of us eat and drink a little more than we usually would. When having a good time, it can be easy to stay out later than planned and drink more alcohol than usual, not thinking about the consequences if you have to drive or go into work the next […]

  6. The aim of this article is to provide guidance on the Calorie Labelling (Out of Home Sector) (England) Regulations 2021, coming into force on the 6 April 2022. We will address how this legislation will affect businesses, and the key requirements organisations need to understand to comply with the new calorie labelling regulations. Public Health […]

  7. 2022 brings a whole host of new road laws to UK drivers – including stricter phone rules and updates to the Highway Code. Before you next get behind the wheel, it is worth refreshing your driving knowledge to help you avoid getting hit with a fine or some unwanted points on your license. Highway Code […]