h&s support for smes

  1. The attainment and maintenance of indoor air quality should be a priority for any organisation. Protecting your workforce from exposure to potentially harmful pollutants is a vital factor in the management and control of workplace hazards. The problems of working in contaminated air is exacerbated when that work is undertaken in confined or restricted spaces. […]

  2. We all strive for that superior posture and other health improvements and this has led to the widespread use of exercise balls, also known as fitness or stability balls. There is much documented comment plus anecdotal evidence, mainly from fitness companies and product providers, promoting the health benefits of using exercise balls. This increased usage […]

  3. We review the key role of a fire door retainer as part of your fire safety measures, and provide practical guidance about the 2015 Code of Practice for the operation of fire protection measures. Dorgard Fire Door Retainer Guidance Can the Dorgard Fire Door Retainer operate at only one decibel level? Dorgard’s react to a […]

  4. Following a recent announcement about increased CQC inspections, if you are a new registered company or a provider stuck on the ‘Requires Improvement’ rating, the CQC may be about to pay you a visit. The CQC have made it very clear that they do not intend to carry out a programme of ‘Routine frequency-based’ inspections, […]

  5. The aim of this article is to provide guidance on the Calorie Labelling (Out of Home Sector) (England) Regulations 2021, coming into force on the 6 April 2022. We will address how this legislation will affect businesses, and the key requirements organisations need to understand to comply with the new calorie labelling regulations. Public Health […]

  6. Ensuring your premises has up-to-date Fire Risk Assessments could well be the most crucial step you take when it comes to protecting the people and premises you are responsible for. Many commercial premises have or will continue to make arrangements to return to work after varying periods of lockdown or business disruption. The following advice […]

  7. 2022 brings a whole host of new road laws to UK drivers – including stricter phone rules and updates to the Highway Code. Before you next get behind the wheel, it is worth refreshing your driving knowledge to help you avoid getting hit with a fine or some unwanted points on your license. Highway Code […]

  8. Wellbeing is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the state of being or doing well in life; happy, healthy, or prosperous condition; moral or physical welfare (of a person or community).” Furthermore, positive working environments and avoidance of chronic stress are fundamental for workplace wellbeing. By ensuring that the work environment is safe, that […]