HR support for SMEs

  1. Employee feedback is economical and a great return to an organisation’s investment and commitment to their human resources. The benefits can be amazing, often immediate, when clear, constructive, and timely feedback is given to employees. Providing objective, positively oriented, non-judgmental feedback plays an intrinsic role in maintaining a keen focus on improving an employee’s skills, […]

  2. Rolled-up holiday pay is the practice of paying holiday pay in the normal pay to a worker throughout their employment and not paying any holiday pay while the worker is on actual holiday. Since the introduction of Working Time Regulations (WTR) in 1998, this practice, for the most part, has died out. And is now […]

  3. On June 16th, 2021, the then Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, confirmed to Parliament that COVID-19 vaccinations are to become compulsory for staff in care homes in England. It is important to note that as the law stands today it is still not possible for an employer to require staff to have a […]

  4. With the current traffic light system in place for travelling abroad, most Brits will have to self-isolate at home or quarantine in a hotel when they return. As this is generally for 10 days dependent on the country and whether it’s in red, amber or green, it’s important to keep an eye on the changing […]

  5. Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 serves a timely reminder about mental health at work which is becoming all-too common as we navigate our way out of the Covid-19 pandemic. We still live in an age where people can be uncomfortable talking about how they feel, especially if they are suffering from low mood, or depression. […]

  6. The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown up many workplace conflict scenarios where the parameters of what it is permissible for an employer to do are blurred, due in no small part to there being no relevant case law providing guidance. However, Employment Tribunal cases arising from Covid-19 related dismissals last year are now coming through to […]

  7. Last month, the Supreme Court handed down its judgment on the two joined cases of Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake and Shannon v Rampersad & Another which related to the thorny issue of ‘sleep ins’ and whether workers should be paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for the duration of the shift, or only for […]

  8. Organisations should avoid simply diving into workplace Covid testing or collection of home testing results without some real thought into the implications of it. This article will allow you to consider whether it’s really necessary and ensure you think about your data protection obligations. Any testing of COVID-19 or collection of any test results from […]