employment law support

  1. Since 2014 there has been a growing number of cases that have looked into what employers should pay when an employee in on annual leave. It started with employers having to pay commission whilst annual leave was taken. Then it moved onto overtime, stating that regular and consistent overtime should be paid whilst employees take […]

  2. The results of a TUC survey published on 2nd September 2019 show that a third of flexible working requests submitted by employees are turned down. So what risks do employers face when a request is made and the answer is in the negative? Is turning down flexible working requests breaching a statutory right? No it […]

  3. We are frequently asked for Training Agreements to enable employers to deduct monies from an employees’ wages, or claim monies from the employee, if the employee leaves once they have committed to, or completed the course. There is a common misconception surrounding these documents in that they are straightforward, and a simple template ‘one size […]

  4. The Employment Rights Act 1996 provides protection to workers who have made a protected disclosure . A dismissal will be automatically unfair if the reason, or principle reason, for the dismissal is that the individual has made a protected disclosure. In addition, workers are protected from being subjected to a detriment on the grounds that […]

  5. Following consultation in 2018 on the misuse of confidentiality clauses in relation to workplace harassment or discrimination, the Government has now announced its proposals for reform. This response is coupled with the launch of further consultation on how to tackle the wider issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Workplace Harassment It is accepted that […]

  6. Have you ever worried about what happens if one of your employees says or does something that could be considered discriminatory? Are you still liable to discrimination claims even though it’s no fault of yours that this person has said or acted in the way that they did? The bad news is that you can […]

  7. It is a common misconception that when an employee goes off sick during their notice period they will only receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for the entire duration of the notice period. Here we will look at different staff absence scenarios where this is not the case. Statutory Minimum Notice Periods Before we discuss the […]

  8. A common question that we find when providing advice on disciplinary procedures, is why organisations have to undertake so many processes to achieve the end result? The simple answer is that there is a legal obligation and expectation on businesses to ensure that they are following a fair procedure, and for the most part that […]