HR Advice

  1. It has been a busy year from an Employment Law perspective. Not only were there a raft of HR legislation changes in April, but there have been numerous new pieces of legislation and Government guidelines introduced to try to deal with issues arising from the Coronavirus pandemic. Whilst October 2020 doesn’t bring specific Employment Law […]

  2. With the Government Job Retention Scheme (furlough) coming to an end in just over a month, we are facing very uncertain times. Employers across multiple sectors are having to make some extremely tough decisions in the hope to survive the coming months and face and any kind of viable future. In an attempt to reduce […]

  3. With the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough Scheme) on the horizon, companies should consider what they will need to do post furlough. Furlough and Flexible Furlough are due to end 31st October 2020 and many predict large scale redundancies across the board, but in the short term there could be alternatives for […]

  4. COVID-19 has had a severe impact on all kinds of businesses large and small. While the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has helped, it is likely that a significant number of companies may need to reduce headcount to make their company viable long term. It’s essential that employers are prepared and have effective processes in […]

  5. Workplace bullying and harassment are serious issues that can have a massive impact on an individual’s emotional and physical health, employee morale and performance, and a business’s reputation. Consequently, it’s vital that employers and those in positions of responsibility understand the difference between bullying and harassment and are able to recognise relevant behaviours, put in […]

  6. On Friday 29th May, the Government outlined the latest update to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), and provided details on the tapering of the scheme which will allow workers to return to work on a part time basis. It will also require employers to contribute towards furloughed workers’ wages after 1st August. The CJRS […]

  7. The Government have now set out their plans to ease the lockdown, one of which was to actively encourage the nation to return to work where it is safe to do so – if the work cannot be done from home. Many UK employers will already have been considering strategies for re-opening and recalling employees […]

  8. The Government have made several updates to their guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which has brought some welcome clarity to some aspects of the scheme. In addition, on 15th April, the Treasury published a direction to HMRC which provided further details of the rules of the scheme (Treasury Direction). As of 17 […]