HR Advice

  1. With the announcement of a general election to take place sooner than we anticipated, on 4th July 2024, the UK prepares for a potential shift in political leadership. This article explores potential changes to employment law depending on which party comes to power, focusing on key areas such as workers’ rights, wages, and employment practices. […]

  2. Employers often issue a ‘standard’ contract of employment to an apprentice and simply renamed it, calling it an apprentice contract or agreement rather than issuing a formal legally compliant apprentice agreement, and by doing so will unwittingly enter into an apprentice contract instead. Please note it can be difficult to get out of or take […]

  3. On 4th October 2023 the Supreme Court provided its findings on Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and another v Agnew and others. The case dealt with the issue of how far back an employee could claim for backdated holiday pay. Such a claim can be brought against an employer as a […]

  4. What is Unauthorised Absence? Put simply, unauthorised absence is classified as when an employee fails to come to work without notifying the employer. Approach to Unauthorised Absence? There can be many different reasons for the unauthorised absence of an employee (otherwise known as being absent without leave – AWOL). Some may be deliberate; others may […]

  5. In today’s digital age, email communication is an integral part of daily business operations. However, it’s essential to recognise that mishandling emails can lead to data breaches, compromising the privacy and security of personal data and confidential information. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has highlighted the improper use of the ‘BCC’ (Blind Carbon Copy) field […]

  6. Are you holding appraisals for your employees and if not, should you be? This article will explore the benefits of carrying out appraisals for all staff and how to get the most out of them. What is an Appraisal? An appraisal is a process that should ideally be offered to all staff; a regular unbiased […]

  7. Updated 08/02/2023 Resignations, ill health capability, misconduct, redundancy, any of these reasons can lead to the employee or employer giving notice to the other. It is important to ensure notice expectations for both parties are clearly set out in the main statement of terms and conditions at the start of employment, so when the time […]