
  1. Generally, an employer shouldn’t be concerned too much with an employees outside of work conduct as everyone is entitled to a private life. But if an employee is charged with or convicted of a criminal offence, is it then a matter for the employer to get involved in? Can the employer discipline or take action […]

  2. In everyday life people fall out, clash from time to time or just simply don’t get along so it’s no wonder that employers often experience this with their employees. Sometimes there doesn’t seem like a solution to the problem; if neither party is to blame as such, there’s no element of bullying etc. then what […]

  3. Getting disciplinary investigations correct from the beginning can really help ensure the whole disciplinary process runs more smoothly. When an employee has seemingly committed some “wrong doing” an employer could easily jump to a decision on exactly how they’re going to handle it, or want to dismiss them immediately. There are two reasons why this […]

  4. Many companies operate by hiring employees that they send to their client’s sites instead of the traditional workplace of an office or on their own site. It’s important for companies to ensure they send the right calibre of workers to their clients to maintain that positive relationship and avoid their clients going elsewhere with their […]

  5. If your business has recently employed an individual who is performing below expectations, what are your options? Can you dismiss them without following the typical disciplinary process? Are there risks associated with doing so? Here, we examine the legal implications of dismissing an employee within 24 months of joining the business. Dismissing an Employee | […]

  6. A common question that we find when providing advice on disciplinary procedures, is why organisations have to undertake so many processes to achieve the end result? The simple answer is that there is a legal obligation and expectation on businesses to ensure that they are following a fair procedure, and for the most part that […]