h&s support for smes

  1. On the 15th April 2020, the Government published a new ‘action plan’ for the Adult Social Care Sector. The new plan also includes expansion of the care workforce through a recruitment campaign that will be backed by a new online learning platform to up-skill new care workers. Main Aims of the Adult Social Care Action […]

  2. Due to the recent ‘Lockdown’ that has been imposed by the Government, people must only leave home for travelling to and from work and only if work absolutely cannot be done from home. As such ‘Key Workers’ have been deemed to be the only workers to leave their homes for work related activities. Who are […]

  3. We understand the challenges facing business owners and that dealing with Employment Law and Health and Safety issues can be complicated and time consuming. Read our round-up of helpful business tips specifically for smaller businesses and start-ups, to make life easier for you. 1. Contracts of Employment Organise contracts of employment and an employee handbook. […]

  4. Hot water can pose a significant risk of serious injury or even lead to death if the temperature is above 44°C. Certain sectors including the Health and Social Care Industry and the Hospitality Industry must ensure that they have measures in place to protect those using hot water and when managing scalding risk. Scalding is […]

  5. On 12th March 2018 the new standard ISO 45001 was launched. ISO 45001 is now a recognised international standard for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management Systems and replacing the BS OHSAS 18001. ISO 45001 differs from the other Health and Safety Management System as it is a global standard where as the previous versions […]

  6. According to a recent report from the Night Time Industries Association the UK’s night-time economy is Britain’s fifth biggest industry, accounting for a minimum 8% of the total UK workforce. In some night working cases such as hospital work, armed forces and care work, these shifts are essential in the running of the organisation. It’s […]

  7. As is the case with many issues in employment law, whether or not an employee can legitimately refuse training if it’s offered depends on their particular circumstances and general context. While there is no specific legislation covering this aspect of employee relations, there are governmental acts and statutes that could influence your decision, such as […]

  8. In April 2015, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) came into force. These regulations apply to all construction projects regardless of their size. Under CDM regs a Construction Phase Plan must be produced to manage health and safety throughout the whole of the project. This document should include key information to managing the hazards […]