employment law consultants

  1. When an ‘economic entity’ is sold on, it is probable that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employees) Regulations (TUPE) 2006 will apply. When TUPE applies the duty to inform and consult will be triggered, ignore this TUPE consultation process at your peril. In a recent case, an employer through no fault of its own, […]

  2. The legislation that governs Employment Law on breaks can be confusing. Not everyone has a complete understanding of the rights afforded to workers and the responsibilities assumed by employers. In fact, both employees and employers often struggle to answer relatively simple questions on the subject. Should your employees receive an hour-long lunch break by law? […]

  3. Equal pay for equal work has come a long way. But has it come far enough? Just over 100 years ago, British women celebrated the first steps towards full, female enfranchisement. However, despite this momentous political shift, the economic realities faced by most British women have proven far more resistant to change. So resistant to […]

  4. It’s easy for employers to go into auto-pilot mode when dealing with employees, especially when they’ve dealt with very similar situations in the past. We always recommend our clients speak to us about each individual case as the below examples show, not every situation works the way you’d always expect it to. We review 5 […]

  5. In our recent article we reminded employers of the importance of issuing the terms and conditions of employment required under the Employment Rights Act, within the first 2 months of a new employee’s commencement of employment. Have you taken the steps to make sure your business is HR ready? The following recent tribunal case highlights […]

  6. When Myspace burst onto the scene in 2003 (closely followed by the far more long-lived Facebook and Twitter), nobody really predicted just what a huge impact social media would have on our lives. Initially, social media was for friends and family, but companies soon learned that it could be an invaluable tool in everyday business […]

  7. We review what the impact of a no-deal Brexit will be on Employment Law and HR matters, and the differing outcomes depending on whether the ‘no deal’ scenario will take effect, or a deal with the EU is reached. As the deadline of Brexit taking effect approaches the likelihood of a ‘no deal Brexit’ situation […]

  8. What Is Employee Theft? It’s important here to start with the definition of theft from an employer. Stealing at work is generally termed ‘theft in the workplace.’ Employee theft is generally defined as when an employee is guilty of “any stealing, use, or misuse of an employer’s assets without permission.” The term “assets” within this […]