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Health and Safety

Organising Firework Displays | Health & Safety Guide

Organising Firework Displays | Health & Safety Guide

No matter what the occasion, firework displays are intended to be a fun and enjoyable spectacle for all those who attend. However, to make it fun, enjoyable and safe they require responsible planning. This guide has been prepared for those who are planning on holding firework displays or bonfires. It highlights key details about responsibilities […]

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Health and Safety Guide to Working Outside this Winter

Health and Safety Guide to Working Outside this Winter

As temperatures drop to minus figures employers have a duty of care to protect their workers against the effects of winter working. As an organisation you may have staff who are required to work outside as part of their duties, for example on construction sites, delivery drivers, seasonal workers and at outdoor Christmas venues and […]

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Driving for Work in Winter

Driving for Work in Winter

The Meteorological Office inform us that Winter 2022 starts on Wednesday 21st December and ends on Monday 20th March 2023 but why wait for winter to start, plan ahead and prepare now for all driving at work activities. In adverse weather the hazards associated with driving for work intensify significantly. In winter especially, darker, shorter […]

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Workplace Alcohol Policy | Essential Safety Guidance for Employers

Workplace Alcohol Policy | Essential Safety Guidance for Employers

Christmas is a time when most of us eat and drink a little more than we usually would. When having a good time, it can be easy to stay out later than planned and drink more alcohol than usual, not thinking about the consequences if you have to drive or go into work the next […]

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HSE October 2022 Campaign | Aches Pains & Strains in Construction

HSE October 2022 Campaign | Aches Pains & Strains in Construction

Following on from previous initiatives, the HSE October 2022 campaign focuses on aches, pains and strains within the construction industry. As in previous years, inspectors will look at whether businesses are taking the correct action to ensure workers are being protected. This is part of HSE’s longer term health and work strategy to improve health […]

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Slips and Trips at Work | Wet Weather Guidance

Slips and Trips at Work | Wet Weather Guidance

It’s that time of year when the days get shorter and the temperature drops and quite often, we see more rain and wind. The aim of this article is to discuss wet weather conditions, how they can affect businesses and the duties employers must undertake to manage the risks of slips and trips at work. […]

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Respiratory Protective Equipment & Air Purification

Respiratory Protective Equipment & Air Purification

The attainment and maintenance of indoor air quality should be a priority for any organisation. Protecting your workforce from exposure to potentially harmful pollutants is a vital factor in the management and control of workplace hazards. The problems of working in contaminated air is exacerbated when that work is undertaken in confined or restricted spaces. […]

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Record Keeping | A Health and Safety Guide

Record Keeping | A Health and Safety Guide

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is: how long I should have to keep records for and what records should be kept? This article aims to provide guidance on record keeping and why businesses need to keep records. Record Keeping & Safety Management Record keeping is an important part of your Health […]

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