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Contemporaneous Notes & Health and Safety Investigations

Contemporaneous Notes & Health and Safety Investigations

Notes taken at the time of meetings with individuals, telephone calls, visits to premises and so on are referred to as ‘contemporaneous’ notes. They are used so as you can account for your actions during an incident or investigation. They also assist others working in your team to know what actions you took. This will […]

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Falls from Height | HSE Prosecution | Essential Safety Guide

Falls from Height | HSE Prosecution | Essential Safety Guide

Falls from height are one of the most common causes of accidents and injuries at work. We review a recent HSE prosecution case and provide practical health and safety guidance for employers regarding working on fragile roofs.The HSE recently fined a maintenance company £30,000 and ordered them to pay £8,000 costs after a friend of […]

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Outside of Work Conduct & Criminal Offences | Employers Guide

Outside of Work Conduct & Criminal Offences | Employers Guide

Generally, an employer shouldn’t be concerned too much with an employees outside of work conduct as everyone is entitled to a private life. But if an employee is charged with or convicted of a criminal offence, is it then a matter for the employer to get involved in? Can the employer discipline or take action […]

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Mediation and How to Get it Right with Your Employees

Mediation and How to Get it Right with Your Employees

In everyday life people fall out, clash from time to time or just simply don’t get along so it’s no wonder that employers often experience this with their employees. Sometimes there doesn’t seem like a solution to the problem; if neither party is to blame as such, there’s no element of bullying etc. then what […]

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How to Reopen Your Business Safely Following a Closure

How to Reopen Your Business Safely Following a Closure

Before you reopen your business you must ensure your employees, visitors and customers are safe. We review the key steps you need to consider following a closure due to a period of lockdown. Reopen Your Business | Key Steps 1. You will need to review existing risk assessments, carry out new risk assessments and put […]

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Varying Employees Terms and Conditions | Employment Contracts

Varying Employees Terms and Conditions | Employment Contracts

Following the announcements of the UK and devolved Governments of another period of lockdown, employers continue to face very uncertain times. Employers across multiple sectors are having to make some extremely tough decisions in the hope of surviving the coming months and ensuring any kind of viable future. In an attempt to reduce or mitigate […]

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GDPR After Brexit | Essential Guide for Employers

GDPR After Brexit | Essential Guide for Employers

Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, the UK has been undergoing a yearlong transition period during which the UK and EU have attempted to negotiate the rules and arrangements that will apply at the end of this period. We review the potential impact on the GDPR after Brexit and provide a guide for […]

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Maternity Leave Entitlement & Miscarriage | HR Advice for Employers

Maternity Leave Entitlement & Miscarriage | HR Advice for Employers

In recent months those involved in HR at any level have been near monopolised by Covid, isolation, shielding, furlough and numerous other off-shoots of the pandemic. But some issues have not gone away including the very delicate and sensitive ones of miscarriage and still births and their practical impact on entitlement to maternity leave and […]

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