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Employment law

Covid-19 Related Dismissals & Employment Tribunals

Covid-19 Related Dismissals & Employment Tribunals

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown up many workplace conflict scenarios where the parameters of what it is permissible for an employer to do are blurred, due in no small part to there being no relevant case law providing guidance. However, Employment Tribunal cases arising from Covid-19 related dismissals last year are now coming through to […]

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Sleep Ins & Calculating the National Minimum Wage

Sleep Ins & Calculating the National Minimum Wage

Last month, the Supreme Court handed down its judgment on the two joined cases of Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake and Shannon v Rampersad & Another which related to the thorny issue of ‘sleep ins’ and whether workers should be paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for the duration of the shift, or only for […]

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Essential Guide to TUPE Regulations – Help & Advice for Employers

Essential Guide to TUPE Regulations – Help & Advice for Employers

We know that due to the complex nature of TUPE regulations it can be a challenge for employers to understand their legal obligations. Wirehouse advise our clients when TUPE is applicable and provide legal advice and support to ensure peace of mind that any agreements put in place protect their business interests. The Transfer of […]

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Refusal to Wear a Mask & Employment Tribunal Case

Refusal to Wear a Mask & Employment Tribunal Case

Over the past year, face masks have become part of normal daily life and it was only a matter of time before they became the focus of a workplace dispute. In the first such dispute of this kind to reach an employment tribunal, Kubilius v Kent Foods Ltd, found that a lorry driver was dismissed […]

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Female Employee Entitlements & Supporting Women at Work

Female Employee Entitlements & Supporting Women at Work

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, it’s a good opportunity for employers to refresh their knowledge about female employee entitlements and understand how they can support their female personnel; from pregnancy and those on maternity leave, to every day working mums. Female employees are still subject to discrimination, whether direct or indirect, on a daily basis […]

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Outside of Work Conduct & Criminal Offences | Employers Guide

Outside of Work Conduct & Criminal Offences | Employers Guide

Generally, an employer shouldn’t be concerned too much with an employees outside of work conduct as everyone is entitled to a private life. But if an employee is charged with or convicted of a criminal offence, is it then a matter for the employer to get involved in? Can the employer discipline or take action […]

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Mediation and How to Get it Right with Your Employees

Mediation and How to Get it Right with Your Employees

In everyday life people fall out, clash from time to time or just simply don’t get along so it’s no wonder that employers often experience this with their employees. Sometimes there doesn’t seem like a solution to the problem; if neither party is to blame as such, there’s no element of bullying etc. then what […]

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Varying Employees Terms and Conditions | Employment Contracts

Varying Employees Terms and Conditions | Employment Contracts

Following the announcements of the UK and devolved Governments of another period of lockdown, employers continue to face very uncertain times. Employers across multiple sectors are having to make some extremely tough decisions in the hope of surviving the coming months and ensuring any kind of viable future. In an attempt to reduce or mitigate […]

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